Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I need help with the guitar.?

I have a Classical or just plain Classic Acoustic guitar and I don%26#039;t know how to play it all that well. I can kinda play the very very easy songs but when I get into the harder songs It gets really really confusing. What should I know how to play before I get into guitar lessons.
I need help with the guitar.?
before you get into lessons? you don%26#039;t really need to know anything before taking lessons. lessons are supposed to teach you haha.

however, if you want to know a little before these lessons so you don%26#039;t feel clueless, learn some chords. grab a chord book or poster or find one on the internet. figure out a few chords (2 or 3), one by one and then slowly try and play them together once you know each chord pretty well.

once you can do that, try adding a few more chords, again, one at a time.

if you also look up a little bit of music theory on google, that can also help you understand the music. however, it can get confusing pretty fast and lessons will really help with that.

here%26#039;s an example of a chord chart:
I need help with the guitar.?
Lessons teach you dude.

I went into guitar lessons cold...

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